Who we are not a good fit for

Honesty lasts the longest. It is therefore important for us to point out for which sports clubs StadiumADS may not be the best solution.

If your sports club doesn’t fit in any of the following categories, our digital stadium marketing tool should be a good choice for your club. StadiumADS is available in three subscriptions models.

Image - StadiumADS - Digital Stadium Marketing Tool - Who we are not a good fit for - Is StadiumADS worth it - Allianz Arena in Munich before a Champions League match

Clubs that are marketed out

With StadiumADS marketing and sales teams of sports clubs save a lot of time compared to time-consuming photo montages. In addition, non-marketed ad materials can be sent to numerous potential sponsors as an authentic 3D stadium animation within a few minutes to offer the sponsor a realistic visibility of their own company. StadiumADS therefore provides valuable services, especially when a club offers new advertising space or an existing sponsor needs to be replaced by a new one.

This makes little sense for clubs whose advertising space in the stadium or on the jersey has been marketed out for years.

Image - StadiumADS - Digital Stadium Marketing Tool - Who we are not a good fit for - Is StadiumADS worth it - Former Chelsea FC Owner Roman Abramovich

Clubs that are not dependent on sponsors

We all know that times are changing rapidly in football. Both in sporting and economic terms. For example, if your club is run by a patron and you are therefore not dependent on sponsors, then StadiumADS is probably not a tool that will play a major role in your day-to-day work.

Image - StadiumADS - Digital Stadium Marketing Tool - Who we are not a good fit for - Is StadiumADS worth it - Groundsman

Amateur clubs whose budget really is at the limit

We are convinced that StadiumADS will take your stadium marketing to the next level and thus optimize your sponsorship revenues.

However, we are also aware that there are completely different problems, especially for very small clubs. If, for example, the groundsman invests many hours on a voluntary basis to get the pitch in perfect condition, but receives no salary for his hard work, then we say quite honestly: please pay the groundsman first before you choose a StadiumADS subscription.

Image - StadiumADS - Digital Stadium Marketing Tool - Who we are not a good fit for - Is StadiumADS worth it - Empty Stand

Amateur clubs that are having troubles organizing the matchday at all

Apart from financial bottlenecks, personnel can also be a crucial resource. Some amateur clubs struggle to organize enough people to ensure an orderly game.

The weekend match, with the whole community supporting your team, will always be the most important element in sports. If this is the case at your club, please focus on the people who make your club so special through their tireless efforts. Should your club ever overcome this hurdle, we would be delighted if you choose StadiumADS for better stadium marketing.

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